Doctors - ACPN

Meet Our Team

Our highly experienced team of professionals is equipped with advanced technology to treat a variety of mental health disorders. They combine cutting-edge and traditional knowledge to come up with solutions to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety to Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and more. You can rest assured that your mental health is our priority and that you’ll be in safe hands.

التق بفريقنا

تم تجهيز فريق المهنيين ذوي الخبرة العالية لدينا بتكنولوجيا متقدمة لعلاج مجموعة متنوعة من اضطرابات الصحة العقلية. إنهم يجمعون بين المعرفة المتطورة والتقليدية للتوصل إلى حلول لقضايا الصحة العقلية مثل الاكتئاب والقلق من مرض الزهايمر واضطراب طيف التوحد والفصام والاضطراب ثنائي القطب وغير ذلك. يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أن صحتك العقلية هي أولويتنا وأنك ستكون في أيد أمينة

Find A Doctors By Location

Medical Specialists

Consultant Psychiatrist, Clinical Lead - Psychiatry Services, Deputy CMO

Dr. George Tadros

Consultant Psychiatrist, Director of Clinical Services, Psychiatry Clinical Lead (Dubai)

Dr. Nasser El Hindy

Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Lead - Psychology Services, Deputy CMO

Dr. Rami Alshihabi

Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Lead - Dubai Psychology Team, Director of Eating and Weight Disorders Program

Carine el Khazen Hadati

Clinical Psychologist, Head of Clinical Supervision Program (Dubai & Sharjah)

Rosita Abla

Clinical Psychologist, Team Leader - Psychology Team (Dubai & Sharjah)

Maya Sidani

Occupational Therapist, Clinical Lead - Rehabilitation Services, Team Leader - OT

Michaela McGilloway

Clinical Psychologist, Team Leader - Psychology Team (Dubai & Sharjah)

Toubia Farah

Clinical Psychologist, Team Leader - Adult Psychology Team (Abu Dhabi)

Ghena Yaacoub

Clinical Psychologist, Team Leader - Psychology Team (Dubai & Sharjah)

Sara Michli

Clinical Psychologist, Team Leader - Child Psychology Team (Abu Dhabi)

Stephanie Srour

Consultant Psychiatrist, Specialized in Perinatal, Child and Adolescent

Dr. Mena Shehata

Clinical Psychologist, Director - Eating and Weight Disorders Abu Dhabi

Dr. Bernou Melisse

ACPN offers quality mental health services with utmost care

يقدم المركز الأمريكي النفسي والعصبي خدمات صحة نفسية عالية الجودة بعناية فائقة