Abdelwahab El Gendy - ACPN

Abdelwahab El Gendy

Abdelwahab El Gendy

Mr. Abdelwahab Elgendy completed his education at Mansoura University, Faculty of Pharmacy, in May 2004 in Egypt. He began to work with the Government Department of Pharmacy from 2004 to 2008 in Egypt.

He then transferred to Abu Dhabi where he was employed as pharmacist in charge at a private pharmacy until 2010. Currently, he has joined the American Center team and is working as a pharmacist at the American Center Pharmacy

Nationality: Egyptian
The language or languages ​​you are fluent in: English,Arabic


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يقدم المركز الأمريكي النفسي و العصبي أحدث التقنيات العلاجية للأمراض النفسية بأعلى جودة

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