Omar Musa - ACPN

Omar Musa

Omar Musa

Mr. Omar Musa is a licensed Occupational therapist with a Master’s Degree (MSc) in Aged Care Rehabilitation from the University of Western Sydney, Australia obtained in 2011, and a Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in Occupational therapy in 2008 from the University of Jordan.

Prior to joining the ACPN, Mr. Omar worked in different rehabilitation clinics in Jordan, Australia, and the UAE. Mr. Omar started his career as an Occupational therapist at the Arabic Village for Special Challenges in Jordan. He later moved to Australia, where he worked at Bupa Aged Care facility in Bankstown, New South Wales. In the UAE, Mr. Omar worked as a senior Occupational therapist at the British Institute for Learning Development, later moving to a position at the Dubai Center for Special needs. In 2013, Mr. Omar became an Occupational therapist at Abu Dhabi Medical Center for Rehabilitation and Special needs.

Mr. Omar has extensive experience handling clients with variety of diagnoses in both Adult and Pediatric rehabilitation settings. Mr. Omar has worked with children facing a number of challenges, including Sensory processing disorder, Autism and ASD, Down’s syndrome, Learning difficulties, Poor writing skills, and ADHD. He has also worked with adult patients diagnosed with Stroke, Brain injuries and hand injuries. Mr. Omar is keen to improve his knowledge and has attended several specialized training courses on topics such as sensory integration, Therapeutic Listening, VMI and Visual Perception skills, Hand splinting, Wheelchair Modification, the Canadian Occupational Therapy Model, and the Hawaiian Early Learning Profile.

In 2020, Mr. Omar published his first book “Take my hand: Comprehensive guide for treatment children with ASD”. Moreover, in 2021 Mr. Omar has received accreditation from The Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy (ACOTRO).

Nationality: Jordanian

Spoken Language/s: Arabic, English, French


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