News - ACPN - Page 2

Latest Happenings in the World of Healthcare

UAE University organizes a mental health forum

Al Ain, October 13 / WAM / The United Arab Emirates University organized the MentalHealth Forum under the slogan “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right” in order toemphasize the growing importance of educating society about psychological issues andincreasing interest in them. The forum included specialized sessions in the field of mental health, in which […]

When should you worry about your child wetting the bed?

Doctors offer tips on how to encourage accident-free nights “Sometimes a child who has been dry at night will begin to wet the bed again. This may be triggered by family stress or school problems. As a child’s systems mature, they are less likely to wet at night. By the teen years, or much earlier, […]


Does your child have dyslexia? Everything you need to know about the condition Dyslexic children constitute 10-15 per cent of students Ronny is a clever boy but often stumbles through sentences. Even at age seven or eight, he’d jumble up the letters – calling a ‘b’ the letter ‘d’ or mixing up the words ‘was’ […]

British Mental Health Experts gather in Dubai for Psychopharmacology Masterclass

British Mental Health Experts gather in Dubai for Psychopharmacology Masterclass ACPN and experts from the British Association of Psychopharmacology discuss the latest developments in psychiatry The 3rd Annual Psychopharmacology Masterclass at Conrad Dubai brought together British experts from the field of psychiatry, and psychopharmacology. Organized by the American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, the 2-day […]

ACPN holds 7th Neuroscience Updates Congress in Abu Dhabi

ACPN in collaboration with University of Chicago & American University of Beirut Medical Center holds 7th Neuroscience Updates Congress in Abu Dhabi. As a result of the increasing regional need to address mental health and neurological chronic care in adults and children, the 7th Neuroscience Updates Congress gathered healthcare experts from the field of psychiatry, […]

2nd Masterclass in Psychopharmacology in the UAE

The American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology proudly hosted the 2nd Masterclass in Psychopharmacology on 17th – 19th of January 2019 at the Conrad Hotel, Dubai. The conference was officially opened by the Congress Chairman, Dr. Samer Makhoul, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Head of Psychiatry Department for ACPN Please Click Here to download the […]

World Mental Health Day 2019

Working together to prevent suicide. One person dies in suicide every 40 seconds, and it can also take 40 seconds to kickstart a conversation with someone you trust about how you are feeling. What: World Mental Health Day 2019 When: 10 October 2018 2019 Theme: Working together to prevent suicide Suicide and non-fatal suicidal behavior are […]

World Mental Health Day 2018

Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World. Adolescent Mental Health matters, as well as Adults. #LetsTalk What: World Mental Health Day 2018 When: 10 October 2018 2018 Theme: Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World. Adolescent Mental Health matters, as well as Adults. #LetsTalk Adolescence and the early years of adulthood […]

Milestone Reached in Neuropsychology

The Neuropsychology Department proudly reached a number of milestones during its inaugural year. Introducing a new discipline to Abu Dhabi presented numerous challenges but even more opportunities to contribute to ACPN’s goal of becoming the premiere Neuroscience Center of Excellence in this region. Please Click Here to download the 20th edition of our Newsletter August 2018.

Bullying, other social issues are rooted in families.

A child-adolescent psychiatrist for over 14 years in the UK and UAE said parents have to take a closer look at and examine themselves and their families very well first before passing the buck for any dysfunctionality, trouble or any problem their children get them into. “I am yet to see someone from a healthy […]


Healthy, intentional procrastination can be a sign of wisdom. First of all, we should distinguish between procrastination and laziness, because the difference is whether you have a strategy or not. Sometimes, procrastination is about prioritising and asking yourself: “Is it the right time to go for this target? Or would it be better if I […]

Let us Protect Our Children, Our Future

Where do you think your children are most exposed to danger? Nowadays, children are not at risk of harm outside by a stranger, instead the dangers are lurking in the comfort of their homes, and in the security of their schools. Please Click Here to download the 18th edition of our Newsletter March 2018.

Do not worry, You will find someone!

“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone!” is the immediate response you expect from people discovering that an adult woman is single for a long period of time. Why is it that we assume she is unhappy, unlucky in love or looking for a partner? We tend to dismiss the possibility of her choosing to remain single […]

Parenting and Screen Usage in a Young Child’s Life

Becoming a parent is not straight forward task. Dealing with a newborn is sometimes more difficult than parents had in mind, especially when the baby doesn’t turn out to be as they imagined him/ her. It is a difficult task to constantly take care of young children; accordingly, parents will gradually begin to look for […]

Do you turn red behind the wheel?

You see it every day, people in their cars, honking, repeatedly flashing their high beams, yelling and gesturing obscenities, not allowing others to change lanes, tailgating, and swerving so recklessly that you think you could get killed. Most drivers have experienced some form of road rage including you! Problem Solve. If your daily commute is […]

UAE’s First Specialized Unit Set To Help Those With Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders have become a growing concern in the Middle-Eastern community. Though the exact cause is unknown, it is generally believed that a variety of factors including genetics, environmental, cultural and psychosocial aspects contribute to the development of this illness. Committed to educating, preventing and assisting those in need, the American Center for Psychiatry and […]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to help defend against danger or to avoid it. This “fight-or-flight” response is a typical reaction meant […]

Sleep Disturbance and Sleep Hygiene

Sleep disturbance is a very common presentation in our current modern life among adult population; in western countries at least 1 in 4 their sleep is disturbed. Causes of sleep disturbance could be broadly divided into 3 main categories: Environmental/social causes, for example: moving to a new job or country, external noises or unfavorable room […]

Parents and Teens: A Family Counseling Perspective

Adolescence can be a challenging time for both teens and parents. If you remember your teenage years you may remember feeling lonely, confused all in the midst of trying to form your identity. Differing cultural norms, internet access, peer pressure, and the adolescents desire for independence are all factors playing a role in today’s parent/teen […]

Four Most Common Difficulties Faced During Fasting

Fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan can be good for your health, if done correctly. However, there are some common difficulties that can make fasting very hard to manage. With meals being limited to the morning and evening, it is only natural for the body’s metabolism to slow, causing headaches, caffeine withdrawals, sleep deprivation, […]

Make Childhood Epilepsy Stigma-free

Epilepsy is a condition in which disturbances to the brain’s normal electrical activity cause recurrent seizures or brief episodes of altered consciousness. Epilepsy comes in many forms and each person’s experience is different. It is not possible to prevent epilepsy from developing, but for those with the condition, the chance of attacks can be reduced. […]

Occupational Therapy Helps Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder typically diagnosed between 15 months and 6 years of age, (Mishaal et al 2014) and typically affects social functioning through repetitive behaviors and delayed communication. Autism may also display adaptive, behavioral manifestations and at times cognitive difficulties. (Wiggins et al, 2015)The published DSM-5 in 2013 stated that autism spectrum disorders […]

Postnatal Depression

Having a baby is usually a happy time for mothers and families. Unfortunately this is not the case for all women. One in ten women suffer from a form of mental illness after childbirth called postnatal depression. It is a type of depression occurring after having a baby. It can develop within the first six […]

What is Video Game Addiction?

Video game addiction is viewed by psychologists as an impulse control disorder. Statistics show that men and boys are more likely to become addicted to video games versus women and girls. Recent research has found that nearly one in 10 youth gamers (ages 8-18) can be classified as pathological gamers or addicted to video-gaming. Please Click […]

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease, AD is the most common dementia syndrome. It is a central nervous system degenerative disease which starts gradually and progresses over many years. In degenerative disease, changes happen to brain cells, leading to their death and loss of neurological function one after another over time. Please Click Here to download the third edition September 2015.

What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?

Occupational therapy comes in many shapes and forms, so for the sake of simplicity let’s use some short pediatric and adult case examples in order to help clarify what ‘Occupational Therapists’ or ‘OT’s’ do. Please Click Here to download the second edition August 2015.

Eid Greeting Message by ACPN CEO

On behalf of American Center Group, I would like to extend my best wishes to the citizens and residents of the United Arab Emirates and all Muslim nation across the world celebrating Eid Ul Fitr… This festival is a chance for us to come together and to reflect upon those less fortunate. May Allah bless […]

ACPN offers quality mental health services with utmost care

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