Samir Hamdache - ACPN

Samir Hamdache

Samir Hamdache

Samir Hamdache is a Clinical Psychologist at ACPN with experience working at Shafallah Center for the Disabled in Doha-Qatar as Chief Clinical Psychologist from 2010 to 2019. He completed his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Lebanese University of Beirut in 1993, obtaining credentials from the University of Toronto, Canada. He also pursued his Bachelor’s degree from the Lebanese University in Beirut. He is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) that completed his Certification at the Florida Institute of Technology, USA, in 2017. Mr Hamdache has the requirement to supervise individuals that are working toward the Certification and continue their studies in the fields of BCBA, BCaBA and RBT.

Mr Hamdache’s experience spans over two decades in Clinical Psychology. Before moving to Abu Dhabi in 2020, Mr Hamdache worked as Specialist Team Leader specializing in behavioural and psychological treatment, particularly with developmental disabilities including Autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, Rett syndrome, and Asperger syndrome. Mr Hamdache is certified by McGill University to diagnose autism cases using the ADOS-2 tool. Upon completing his BCBA course sequence in 2017, he worked with Canadian Team Consultants for two years on behavioural intervention using ABA therapy. Mr Hamdache is also holding the DHA and DOH licenses. Mr Hamdache is experienced in leading multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams to bring positive outcomes for clients using the behaviourist approach to treatment.

Mr Hamdache’s skills are rooted in psychological assessments and designing therapeutic interventions. With his deep knowledge and experience, Mr Hamdache works with children and adults with the presentation of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, social phobia, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as autism spectrum disorders and other mental disabilities, and other behavioral challenges. Having worked closely with people of determination, he collaborates with therapists and families to educate and counsel them to ensure therapy is delivered consistently across different settings.

Nationality: Lebanese

Language: English,Arabic


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