Multiple Sclerosis Treatment in UAE | Advanced Addiction Treatment

Specialized Treatment Programs

Department Info

Our multi-disciplinary team at ACPN provides specialized treatment programs for eating disorders, depression as well as multiple sclerosis. Read more about these conditions and what our team can do to help.

A pioneering and first-of-its-kind clinic in the UAE providing thorough and comprehensive assessments to cater both English and Arabic speaking patients.

One-Stop Memory Clinic includes:

  • A customized medication regimen
  • Physical and behavioral Therapy
  • Rehabilitation program which involves:
    • Physiotherapy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Speech Therapy


800 ACPN[2276]

Your treatment plan is designed for steady progress, with every phase promptly implemented.

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    ACPN offers quality mental health services with utmost care

    يقدم المركز الأمريكي النفسي و العصبي أحدث التقنيات العلاجية للأمراض النفسية بأعلى جودة

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