Taher Salahaldeen - ACPN

Taher Salahaldeen

Taher Salahaldeen

Mr. Taher Salahaldeen is Occupational Therapist at ACPN. He graduated from the Arab American University, Palestine in 2011 and licensed with the DOH, Abu Dhabi.

Mr. Salahaldeen has over ten years of experience as OT with a focus on pediatrics. With regional experience in Oman and Palestine working in centers for child development needs, he started his career in the UAE in 2015 with his last appointment at Berlin Medical and Neurological Rehabilitation Center until 2022. As a senior OT, Mr. Salahaldeen addresses challenges in executive functioning, sensory processing, social skills, motor delays resulting from conditions such as Autism, ADHD/ADD, Cerebral Palsy, Brachial Plexus Injury, Down syndrome, developmental delays, and neuro-developmental disorders. His practices are based on the latest evidence-based diagnostic assessments including sensory processing evaluation, and Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Evaluation.

Mr. Salahaldeen employs sensory integration techniques to help children integrate into daily living activities and maintain their emotional and behavioral responses in an appropriate manner while building their confidence in interacting with peers and in social settings. He is passionate in supporting children reach their fullest potential by building on their strengths and collaborating with family and carers involved in the child’s life.

Nationality: Jordanian
The language or languages ​​you are fluent in: English,Arabic


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