Alaweya Salem Aljneibi - ACPN

Alaweya Salem Aljneibi

Alaweya Salem Aljneibi

Ms. Alaweya Salem Aljneibi is a Psychologist at ACPN. She earned her bachelor’s degree in
psychology from UAE University and furthered her expertise by completing a diploma in
psychotherapy methods through the university’s exchange program with London College in
2013. She is licensed as a clinical psychologist by Abu Dhabi’s Department of Health (DoH)
providing high-quality mental health care.

With a rich professional history bringing over two decades of clinical experience to her role, Ms.
Aljneibi served as a Clinical Psychologist at the Behavioral Science Pavilion (BSP) at Sheikh
Khalifa Medical City (SKMC), Abu Dhabi, for nineteen years. In 2020, she expanded her scope
at the National Rehabilitation Center (NRC), gaining two years of experience focusing on the
mental health of individuals and groups. Her responsibilities included addressing patients with
addiction issues and later joining the day center care team. Here, she concentrated on patient
rehabilitation through therapeutic groups, occupational integration, and organizing external trips
to facilitate their integration into society. Her role also involved collaborating with inpatient
wards. Ms. Aljneibi is at present dedicated to outpatient treatment of psychological disorders, a
role she has been in for the past fourteen years.

Ms. Aljneibi’s expertise encompasses the assessment and treatment of a wide range of mental
health disorders. She is adept at working with adults dealing with anxiety disorders (phobia,
social anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder), post-traumatic stress disorder,
depression, personality disorders, individual and marital therapy, family therapy, bipolar
disorder, addiction, and schizophrenia.

Nationality: UAE
The language or languages ​​you are fluent in: English,Arabic


ACPN offers quality mental health services with utmost care


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