Sara Michli - ACPN

Sara Michli

Sara Michli

Mrs. Sara Michli attained her Master’s degree in psychology from the American University of Beirut. She also received her clinical training in psychodynamic and cognitive-behavior psychotherapies at the American University of Beirut Medical Center. Mrs. Michli remains a licensed practitioner in psychology in Lebanon and the UAE.

In addition to her experience in private practice, Mrs. Michli worked as a clinical psychologist at Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture. The outpatient caseload included culturally diverse, under-served refugee population from the MENA region. Beyond her clinical work, Mrs. Michli has always been active in conducting research and raising awareness on mental health.

Furthermore, Mrs. Michli co-authored two book chapters titled “The Clash of Pathways” published in the World Book of Hope and “A Dyad in the Storms of War” published in The Refugee Handbook.

Mrs. Michli’s current clinical experience involves working with adolescents and adults who are struggling with an emotional, psychological, or behavioral difficulties, or a challenging life event, or are simply striving to enhance their relationship with themselves and with others.

Mrs. Michli is skilled at working with: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and trauma related disorders. She also helps people in areas related to self-esteem, relationships and attachment, and identity. Mrs. Michli pays special attention to the person’s life narrative, resilience, diverse identities, and their cultural backgrounds, and tries to integrate them in her therapeutic approach.

Nationality: Lebanese
Language: English,Arabic


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