Michaela McGilloway - ACPN

Michaela McGilloway

Michaela McGilloway

Ms. Michaela McGilloway is an Occupational Therapist at ACPN. She completed her degree in Occupational Therapy at The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland in 2016 and is a licensed practitioner with the Healthcare Professional Council of the UK and DoH, Abu Dhabi.

With over seven years of experience as an OT, she joined ACPN from Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. After her graduation in 2016, she worked in London, UK in two of the largest teaching hospitals for over five years till 2021. She completed her junior and senior rotations in 2019 at Kings College Hospital London, advancing her skills across many specialties. Following this, Ms. McGilloway worked as Specialist Neuro-Occupational Therapist for Guys and St. Thomas Hospital for over a year till 2020, before working at The London Clinic, UK until 2021. She then joined to Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi in 2021, developing occupational therapy services across the hospital while supporting continued professional development programs before joining ACPN in 2023.

Ms. McGilloway specializes in rehabilitation for neurological, medical, oncology, vascular and surgical, elderly care, psychiatric, respiratory, and cardiac care. She is particularly skilled in rehabilitation for dementia, stroke, traumatic injuries of the brain and spinal cord, functional neurological disorders, and long-term conditions including Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, and cerebral palsy. She is passionate about supporting patients reach their milestones and goals with a skillset centered around restoring functional mobility and thereby improving quality of life. She uses interventions such as upper limb rehab, functional training, spasticity management, appropriate posture and seating, visual and sensory rehab, social engagement, anxiety and depression management, cognitive and vocational rehabilitation, in turn improving quality of life and independence

Nationality: Irish
The language or languages ​​you are fluent in: English,Arabic


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