Hala Abu Taha - ACPN

Hala Abu Taha

Hala Abu Taha

Ms. Abu Taha graduated in 2004 from Hashemite University in Zarqa, Jordan, with a Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics. She then went on to train in post-obesity surgery in Leeds, United Kingdom. In 2006, Ms. Abu Taha attended a training program for Diabetes Education Specialists in Amman, Jordan.

Ms. Hala has been working in UAE for the past several of years counseling individuals with eating disorders to implement the proper nutritional interventions within a specialized multi-disciplinary team. She obtained her knowledge and confidence to work with eating disorders patients after getting supervision sessions with international leaders in the eating disorders world such as Marcia Herrin and Dr. Riccardo Dalleh Grave (CBT-E). Hala has completed her CREDO webcentred training on CBT-E for Eating Disorders. She works with patients with BED, Bulimia nervosa, Anorexia nervosa and ARFID confidently. Along with her one-on-one counseling, she has conducted multiple training sessions in the UAE and Lebanon to multidisciplinary teams. Hala also took part twice as a speaker in the international conference for eating disorders (ICED) that was conducted in Prague in June 2017 in New York in 2019. In addition to her work with eating disorders patients she works on weight loss (CBT-OB), diabetes, pregnancy, nutritional intervention in after pre and post bariatric surgeries, childhood obesity among other health-related conditions.

Ms. Abu Taha works closely with her clients, building solid and trusting relationships, helping them achieve long-term dietary habits, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. In addition to pre- and post-surgery support, she works with homecare patients to assess and tailor the unique nutritional plans required for different cases. Beyond her one-on-one counseling services, Ms. Abu Taha has an active media presence, appearing regularly on televisions shows and radio stations as a dietitian to highlight the importance of nutrition on overall health and well-being.

Nationality: Jordanian

Spoken Language/s: Arabic, English


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