Dr. Khaled Hamoulila - ACPN

Dr. Khaled Hamoulila

Dr. Khaled Hamoulila

Dr. Khaled Hamoulila comes to ACPN from Ain Al Khaleej Hospital where he worked as Consultant Neurologist. He obtained his specialization degree in Neurology at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France, in 1990 and remains a licensed practitioner in neurology with the French National Board, as well as the Syrian Medical Association. He obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Damascus, Syria, in the year 1980.

Dr. Hamoulila has worked in the UAE at the Ain Al Khaleej Hospital, Al Ain for 4 years. Prior to his move to Al Ain, Dr. Hamoulila was Head of Neurology Department in Ibn Al Nafees Hospital in Damascus, Syria for 16 years. Dr. Hamoulila has held different positions including Board Member of the Cerebral Palsy Association, and Chief of Syrian Multiple Sclerosis Committee. Dr. Hamoulila has an extensive experience of 30 years as consultant in the field of neurology working across countries like France, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the UAE.

Dr. Hamoulila is adept at diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis and has vast experience in the diagnosis and treatment of other neurological diseases.

Nationality: French

Languages known: English, Arabic, French


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