Dr. Ibrahim Alqaisi - ACPN

Dr. Ibrahim Alqaisi

Dr. Ibrahim Alqaisi

Dr. Ibrahim Al Qaisi is Pharmacy Supervisor at ACPN Pharmacies. He is qualified as a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from the University of Sindh, Pakistan.

He spent his final year studying for PharmD in Pakistan alongside working as a Clinical Pharmacist at a Civil Hospital in medication management for outpatient and inpatient departments. Moving to Jordan in 2017, he worked as a pharmacist-in-charge at the Pharmore Chain of Pharmacies in Amman, Jordan for two years until 2019, and settled in Abu Dhabi where he would work for three years at Pharmalink Drugstore responsible for tenders, quotations, and contracts for government and private sectors. Dr. Ibrahim has been with the ACPN family since 2021 and supervises operations at the ACPN Pharmacies.

Nationality: Jordanian
Language(s) he is fluent in: English and Arabic

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