World Mental Health Day 2019 - ACPN

World Mental Health Day 2019

Working together to prevent suicide. One person dies in suicide every 40 seconds, and it can also take 40 seconds to kickstart a conversation with someone you trust about how you are feeling.

What: World Mental Health Day 2019

When: 10 October 2018

2019 Theme: Working together to prevent suicide

Suicide and non-fatal suicidal behavior are major public health problems across the world. Data from the WHO indicate that approximately one million people worldwide die by suicide each year. Suicide is the leading cause of death among 15-29 years old and affects people of all age groups in all countries.

In support of the World Mental Health Day, ‘Working together to prevent suicide’ Awareness Campaign by the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology is conducting the following activities.

  • Educational Post on Social Media
  • Media Interviews with Local TVs, Radios and Magazines
  • Public awareness talks for community

Suicide is preventable.
You are not alone.
Talk to a family. Talk to a friend. Talk to us.

 #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #40seconds #ACPNCares

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